KEMENKES RI AKL 21603220350
PLACL(Poly-L-Lactide-co-e-caprolactone) PLACL, is a combination of PCL (Polycaprolacton) and PLLA (Polylactic-acid). Biocompatible materials are resorbed by the tissue without any residues. PDO threads are shorter lasting, PLLA (which are made of the same material as Sculptra) can be too stiff, and PLC can be too soft.
PLACL threads are perfect for long-lasting and impressive results, as they use a combination of PLC and PLLA materials.
- NEEDLE: Hard sislicon Coating for less pain and more smooth insertion.
- THREAD: The total length of thread is 1~2cm longer than other brands.
- QUALITY CONTROL: Sterilizaion, dry, vacuum packing, Nitrogen gas for the high-end quality of thread which is so sensitive against air, temperaure, and humidity.
- SHELF LIFE: 2 years
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