Jakarta 28 Oktober 2024- Dalam rangka meningkatkan wawasan dan keterampilan para dokter di Indonesia yang berpraktik di bidang Kedokteran Estetika, PERDAWERI Banten mempersembahkan International
We desire to bring the value of confidence through a variety of high-quality beauty products.
Our mission is to become an Indonesian beauty company that cares about consumer needs and bring the best solution to your beauty.
Excellent service quality is the key to success
Jakarta 28 Oktober 2024- Dalam rangka meningkatkan wawasan dan keterampilan para dokter di Indonesia yang berpraktik di bidang Kedokteran Estetika, PERDAWERI Banten mempersembahkan International
Jakarta 28 Oktober 2024 – Kali kedua digelarnya ICAP “International Congress of ASLS and PERDAWERI” Banten 2024 menjadi ajang partisipasi bagi seluruh praktisi dunia
Padang – Sukses di event sebelumnya, IndAAC SUMBAR 2.0 2024 kembali digelar sebagai ajang partisipasi bagi seluruh praktisi anti-aging dan estetika di Indonesia, khususnya area Sumatera Barat
To get closer with the buyer, e.g: doctors, Cawandra already has a lot of the medical representatives in several major cities in Indonesia.
This pledge is a symbol of Cawandra's commitment to increase the number of medical representatives in all cities in Indonesia for establishing the good relations with doctors and beauty clinics in Indonesia.
Among of many efforts and dreams that Cawandra has, some of them are providing quality products with affordable prices, as well as providing hands-on workshops, symposiums and also providing opportunities for the doctors to study abroad, that's become our agenda that Cawandra offers in "Growing Together is Our Commitment". Service and solution problems
Cawandra provides services equipped with daily delivery services and active hotline services for doctors and beauty clinics which is ready to help them with their beauty problems. Therefore PT. Cawandra Jaya Indonesia has the determination "Your beauty Solution Into Limitless success"