MIXO Volume (PLUS)

Produced by patented Nano Mesh Cross-Linking Technology for maintaining safety and long lasting filler.
MIXO Innovative Technology produces extremely small and solid molecules, which makes more comfortable and painless treatment.
Mild and fluid nature of HA allows easy penetration into the skin maximizing effect of reduced wrinkles and higher satisfaction from the procedure.
Patented manufacturing technology make possible to form a MASS GEL that best represents the performance of the supporting structure in the human body. High viscosity provides necessary volume and beautiful shapes.
HA 20mg/ml
Lidocaine 0,3%
MIXO : DVS makes Micro-Beads to molecular size without mixing with solution.
Other Fillers : BDDE Cross-linking to Big, Middle, Small particles and mixing Cross-linked Gel with solution.
Intended Use: Temporary improvement of the facial wrinkles
Sterile Medical Device/ Single Use Only/ Do not reuse
Storage Condition: Store at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight.
Please refer to Instruction for Use for more details.
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